Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Fearful Dog

More than a proud and strong dog suddenly vanishes in the jelly as a fearful dog when you take that quote feared - dog at the vet! Just as children (and adults) do not like or fear of going to the doctor's office, the fear of dog much of the FP. Yours does not have to be a dog at large, fearful, just one that feels threatened by the cold efficiency of all these strangers who buzz around this cold and barren place with so many flavors of fear! ... and especially if a dog's snout unceremoniously put on the dog's face!

Border Collie rescued my obedient, but certainly not love him at the vet, and is quite anxious to get back to the car. Most people run out of there, get the thing done, then leave ... and it is difficult for a dog! I always prepare my dog ​​in advance.

So before you go, first check your own attitude. They see the good feeling of confidence, exudate and a carefree attitude of "business as usual, no big deal." That calm and reassure your dog.

But he must also come to feel good. Give fun outings, so go to the car to this place is just another of their outputs to it. Make sure you are relaxed before you even get in the car giving good exercise - like running it on a bike or roller skating. Make sure he has had a bowel movement, if possible, because he wants you to feel comfortable. Read More

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