Friday, February 22, 2013

Dog Hip Dysplasia Information

Hip dysplasia is a dog disease found in dogs that causes the hip joints to form abnormal. A kind of dog arthritis, this condition causes joint loose in the hip area making it extremely difficult and painful for the dog to move. In short, it is when a dog's hips do not fit properly resulting in pain dog joint.

Dog hip dysplasia affects all kinds of dogs, but is more common in large breed dogs, and even more in purebred dogs. Some of the breeds most likely to develop hip dysplasia are the Great Dane, Rottweiler, Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever, German Shepherd, St. Bernard and mastiff. However sight hounds, such as gray dogs seem to escape from this terrible disease.

The dog feels pain depends on the degree of separation of the joints. If there is a partial dislocation of the thigh bone of the hip bone then this is called subluxation, and this can even make the dog feel mild pain or not. But if the thigh bone is completely dislocated from the hip socket, which is known as dislocation, and this will cause extreme pain the poor animal.


There are a number of factors that can cause a dog to get this disease.

1. Genetics:

Dog hip dysplasia can be inherited genetically, especially in larger breeds of dogs. Sometimes, this disease also skips generations, but the chances are increased to a dog if the disease is in its immediate ancestry. But genetics is not the only way, because it can also develop overtime due to environmental factors. Read More

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